Updated: 03/11/25 1pm
Pastor Jeff Noble is the Founding & Senior pastor of Four Winds Church. He has been ministering to people since 1993. He served as a minister in the areas of Youth, Music, Education, and has been a Senior Pastor for the last 22 years in the Western Wayne County. He believes the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God and it has the
Pastor Jeff Noble is the Founding & Senior pastor of Four Winds Church. He has been ministering to people since 1993. He served as a minister in the areas of Youth, Music, Education, and has been a Senior Pastor for the last 22 years in the Western Wayne County. He believes the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God and it has the answers to living life according to God’s plan for every man, woman, and child. He is a pastor and a preacher who loves and challenges his flock through the Word of God. He lives to serve the Lord through active involvement in local, state, national and international arenas.
"God Can Hit A Straight Lick With A Crooked Stick":
The Christian Testimony of Jeff Noble
I was raised in a Christian home as a Lutheran. We regularly attended church, though not every Sunday. At the age of 14 I completed my catechism classes and became a "member" of the Lutheran church. Although I believed in God (James 2:19), I had no real interest in spiritual things.
As a young person I enjoyed music. I began playing drums in a Rock Band at the age of eleven. By age sixteen I was playing in clubs and at parties on the weekends. It was during my junior year that a Christian rock band played at my high school. They invited the students to Ebenezer Baptist Church in Florence S.C. for a concert that night. Since music was such a big part of my life (and the fact that Katie L. said she would go with me) I went to see if this band was any good. Little did I know that God had something so much more important to show me.
At the close of the concert, they gave an alter call- a term I was unfamiliar with at the time since I had been raised in the Lutheran church. One thing I did know is God was speaking directly to me. All the time I had spent in church and yet I had never heard the message of Christ and how to be saved, that is, forgiven of my sin (Romans 3:23). That night, for the first time, I realized I was a sinner, I could not save myself, and I needed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I prayed to receive Christ that evening (Romans 10:9-10).
I wish I could tell you that my life was different from that day forward. Unfortunately, the Christian band didn't bother to tell me that as a new Christian, I needed to find a Bible believing, Bible teaching church and be discipled (something I now encourage every new believer to do). Although I knew something was different about me, I didn't know how to tell anyone. I hadn't learned the "churchy" phrases (which I am very careful not to use with a new believer) and quite frankly, no one seemed interested in my newfound salvation. I remember someone even saying that in time that "I would get over it". Eventually, I returned to my old friends and old ways.
But God did not give up on me (John 10:28). Regardless of how far I would stray, the Lord was constantly reminding me that He was still there. As I look back over my life I see time and time again how He protected me. I would later find a passage in the Bible (John 14:26) where Jesus promised His believers a Helper (the Holy Spirit) to remind them of the things He had taught.
As part of God's wonderful plan, I married my girlfriend of five years on February 28, 1987. (BTW- My lovely bride went home to be with the Lord on April 15th, 2021)
However, shortly after our wedding, a friend invited us to church. Immediately, God began to call me back to Him. After running from the Lord for almost eight years, I recommitted my life to Jesus at the age of 27 and was baptized by immersion at Stough Memorial Baptist Church in Pineville N.C.. This time I was here to stay
(1 John 1:9).
I fell in love with the Lord and served Him as a layman for four years. Although I was a "corporate man" at the time and was committed to being successful in business, God called me into the ministry in 1991. In typical fashion, I fought His will for several years but eventually surrendered to full-time service in 1993.
I may not have the "typical" pastor's testimony, but I do know the Lord changed my life and has given me a pastor's heart. I also know that by sharing my experiences, I am able to be "real" with people as I tell them of Christ. The idea of doing anything other than sharing the Gospel of Christ and ministering to those in need is unimaginable. I thank the Lord everyday for saving me and allowing me to serve Him as a Pastor for almost 30 years.
Thanks for reading my testimony.
Praise the Name of Jesus!
Pastor Harry Kirk II is our newest Associate Pastor at Four Winds Church. He is also the production manager and editor for "In The World with Pastor Jeff Noble," which broadcasts on 1600AM WAAM radio, 1500 AM radio and 92.7 FM Faith Talk radio. He is married to his lovely wife, Lizzie Kirk and they have FIVE children. Abbie, Emmett, Audre
Pastor Harry Kirk II is our newest Associate Pastor at Four Winds Church. He is also the production manager and editor for "In The World with Pastor Jeff Noble," which broadcasts on 1600AM WAAM radio, 1500 AM radio and 92.7 FM Faith Talk radio. He is married to his lovely wife, Lizzie Kirk and they have FIVE children. Abbie, Emmett, Audrey, Daxton & Sage. Pastor Harry is a military veteran and is also a licensed investigator in multiple states throughout the country. Over the years, he served in ministry, in many different capacities. Church security, lighting, sound, visual arts and has a strong background in tech. He is currently serving his 6th term as President, for the Christian Motorcyclist Association. While raised in the Pentecostal church, he has chosen to attend seminary through Houston Christian University, in Texas. (Formerly: Houston Baptist University) His belief, is that no matter what denomination you came from, the infallible word of God is the final authority. He is a pastor & preacher who loves to teach the word of God and how it is still applicable to our daily life. Pastor Harry has been charged with the responsibility of "Family life Ministry," the next generation of Four Winds Church.
VBS (Vacation Bible School) & Children's Summer/Winter Camp Coordinator
My name is Lizzie, the wife to Pastor Harry Kirk II and the mother of five wonderful kids. Abbie, Emmett, Audrey, Daxton & Sage. I am honored to serve the church as the Vacation Bible School & children's summer/winter camp coordinator. My priorities as a Proverbs 31 w
VBS (Vacation Bible School) & Children's Summer/Winter Camp Coordinator
My name is Lizzie, the wife to Pastor Harry Kirk II and the mother of five wonderful kids. Abbie, Emmett, Audrey, Daxton & Sage. I am honored to serve the church as the Vacation Bible School & children's summer/winter camp coordinator. My priorities as a Proverbs 31 woman will always be to serve God first, my Husband and then our children. However, I love the church and serving our church family! I look forward to meeting your kids in our growing ministry with the children - at Four Winds Church!
Administrative Assistant
Nursery Director
AGES: Birth - 4
My name is April, and I’m excited to announce that I’ll be accepting the role of Nursery Director
I have an incredibly deep passion for Early Childhood Education! I’m currently an Assistant Director at a childcare center in Plymouth , and have been working in this field for the past decade. I hold a Bachelor
Nursery Director
AGES: Birth - 4
My name is April, and I’m excited to announce that I’ll be accepting the role of Nursery Director
I have an incredibly deep passion for Early Childhood Education! I’m currently an Assistant Director at a childcare center in Plymouth , and have been working in this field for the past decade. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Children and Families from the University of Michigan, and I love seeing children learn and grow!
My husband and I live right here in Livonia, and have been attending Four Winds for the past year. In my free time I like to ice skate, read books, and garden.
I truly feel that I’ve been called to this position by the Lord, and am overjoyed at the opportunity to teach young minds about Christ and his word!
Children's Education Director GRADES: K-5
We are currently looking for a new Childrens Education Director. In the mean time, Pastor Harry and his wife Lizzie, are filling in, till a replacement is confirmed.
Student Ministry Director's
Thank you for the opportunity to pour into the lives of your youth. I do not take the responsibility of leading youth lightly. It is a gift to serve in this capacity; I hope to point every youth that walk through our doors to a saving relationship with Jesus. I have served in youth ministries for mor
Student Ministry Director's
Thank you for the opportunity to pour into the lives of your youth. I do not take the responsibility of leading youth lightly. It is a gift to serve in this capacity; I hope to point every youth that walk through our doors to a saving relationship with Jesus. I have served in youth ministries for more than twenty years; with a focus on discipleship. My favorite scripture is Romans. 12:1: It is my sincere hope that our youth at Four Winds learn to live as “a living sacrifice!” I’ve been married 15 years to the love of my life, Dani. Together we homeschool our two wonderful sons.
Music Director
Financial Peace University Education Leaders
Worship Leader
Executive Chef
Check us out on 1600AM WAAM Michigan Southeast Conservative Powerhouse Radio, 101.5FM (Formerly 92.7 FM "The answer") Detroit Faith Talk radio and also 1500 AM WLQV, Detroit Faith Talk radio. All three radio stations broadcast our show "In The Word" with Senior Pastor Jeff Noble every Sunday morning! You can also find us on YouTube and on Spotify.